Author Archives: Brandon
thank you Kätchüp Isländ! I shall also be ‘Chängeling’ at Madame Claude, Berlin, August 4th with Oskar Brevik and Jessica Post for the ‘Stick Figures’ video release show.
“cover photo © Nils Broer”

July 25th 2021 Berlin Outdoors by the Kindle Brauerei- around the corner by the Kiosk by the garden with Pan Chimzee 9pm
August 6 2021 Brandenburg – Duval Werder – ‘ketchup island’
Upcoming Shows
Hafenbar Kleinkunst Gala Dec. 19, 2019 Berlin
Schall & Rauch Poetry Slam at Fabriktheater Moabit Jan.13th 2020
Schokoladen Lo-Fi Lounge Jan. 15th, 2020 Berlin full band Carbon Thieves
Sowieso Jan. 17th, 2020 Berlin
Peppi Guggenheim Jan. 25th 2020 Berlin
Loophole 21 uhr Feb. 14th GRRRRRL Haus Cinema Stupid Cupid show with Carbon Thieves
Apokalypse-Folk in Bergwerk – Slam, Koncert, Klettern Feb. 16, 2020 Berlin -solo-Tickets -Kiezpoeten
March 14th 2020 SOWIESO
Götten der Weisheit March 18th 2020
March 26th, Biosphäre Cafe,
Weserstr. 212, 12047 Berlin